Top 10 Real Estate Trends to Watch in 2024

Did you know that single-family home prices in the U.S. have jumped by 43% in the last four years? Just since January, they’ve gone up by 7.6%1. The real estate market is changing fast, and it’s important to keep up with the latest trends. With inflation, changing demographics, and new lifestyles, the real estate world is getting more complex.

In 2024, several key trends will shape the market. These changes will impact everything from property listings to investment opportunities. I’ll look at the top ten trends that are changing the game for homeowners, buyers, and investors alike.

Key Takeaways

  • Single-family home prices have risen significantly, affecting market dynamics.
  • The demand for sustainable and energy-efficient homes is increasing.
  • More people are opting for smaller, more manageable living spaces.
  • Technology is transforming the way properties are searched and viewed.
  • The Sun Belt is experiencing rapid population growth and housing demand.

Understanding the latest real estate trends is key for smart investments. The real estate trends 2024 show big changes due to the economy and new tech. With home prices going up, investors see great chances, especially with high demand and less supply2. Also, more people want to rent than buy homes2.

Online property searches and virtual tours are now common, showing tech’s big role in real estate2. Mobile apps are also big, helping young people find homes3. Meanwhile, office sales are down a lot, showing investors are losing interest4.

The 2024 Emerging Trends Barometer has its highest buy rating since 2010, showing investors eyeing undervalued assets4. There’s a big push for green and sustainable buildings, showing a move towards caring for the planet2. As these trends grow, everyone needs to stay flexible to keep up with the real estate market’s changes.

Homeowners Are More Likely to Stay Instead of Move

With mortgage rates around 7%, many homeowners are staying put. This is because they can’t afford to buy a new house. The typical homeowner now spends about 11.9 years in their home, up from 6.5 years two decades ago5.

High mortgage rates make buying a house too expensive. This is why homeowners are choosing to stay in their current homes.

Impact of High Mortgage Rates

High mortgage rates are changing homeowners’ plans. They are less likely to sell and buy a new house. This is because new homes cost more money, and many can’t afford it.

The average time homeowners stay in their homes is now about 13 years. This shows a shift in what homeowners value most6. Instead of moving, people are improving their current homes.

Home Features That Are Gaining Popularity

Homeowners are now focusing on making their homes better. They want homes that are good for their health and have space for work from home. Outdoor areas and spaces for fun are also becoming more important6.

Places with longer homeowner stays see fewer new homes being built. This shows that people prefer to improve their homes rather than move6.

Specialized Housing for an Aging Population

The demand for specialized housing is changing the real estate market. This change is mainly due to the aging population. By 2050, India’s seniors will number 340 million, making up nearly one-third of the population7. Real estate developers are now focusing on homes that let seniors live independently but still offer needed amenities7.

Building retirement communities and assisted living facilities is key to meeting this need8. With more people living in nuclear families, caring for elderly parents is hard. This is why there’s a big demand for senior housing that’s affordable and easy to get to79.


Specialized housing also includes smart home tech and telehealth services. These innovations are set to change the industry7. The government is helping by offering tax breaks and subsidies to developers7.


The growing number of seniors is a big chance for investors and real estate experts. By understanding this market, they can find success and make a difference89.

Smaller Single-Family Homes and Increasing Townhome Options

The housing market is changing, with a big trend toward smaller homes. Buyers like them for many reasons. They are cheaper and need less upkeep.

Why Smaller Homes Are Preferred

Smaller homes are attractive because they save money on upkeep and mortgage payments. In 2020, new homes cost $334,000 on average, while used homes were $260,00010. This price gap makes smaller homes more appealing to those on a budget.

It’s clear that smaller homes are more than a trend. They show a shift in what buyers want.

Benefits of Townhomes in Urban Areas

Townhomes are gaining popularity for their balance of space and cost. They make up about 5.9% of the US housing market10. They’re perfect for young professionals and small families who want easy living.

The vertical design of townhomes saves space while keeping community ties strong. HOA fees are usually $200 to $30010. But, the perks like pools and gyms are worth it.

Townhomes also offer a good chance for real estate investments. They attract renters, providing steady income11.

Smaller homes and townhome options in the housing market

Property TypeAverage PriceHOA FeesRental Potential
New Homes$334,000N/AVariable
Used Homes$260,000N/AVariable
TownhomesVariable$200 – $300Consistent

The rise of smaller homes and townhomes shows where the housing market is headed. Buyers want convenience without losing quality of life. These options are key in real estate choices now10.

Bigger Apartments and Increased Multifamily Living

Today, there’s a big move towards bigger apartments in multifamily living. People living in cities want more space. This is making new apartments bigger to meet their needs.

With more people working from home, bigger apartments are key. They offer comfort and function for families.

Demand for More Space in Urban Areas

In 2023, the construction market saw a big jump. There were 440,000 new apartments, the most in 36 years12. Cities like Denver plan to add 9% more apartments.

Cities like Austin, Phoenix, and Charlotte expect a 14% increase in apartments12. This growth is because people want bigger apartments for working from home and enjoying city life.

Influence of Remote Work on Housing Preferences

The pandemic changed what we look for in apartments. Now, space is top priority. With more people working from home, apartment leases last about a year.

Investors can make more money with bigger apartments. They can raise rent a little and still make good profits13. So, multifamily living is changing to meet new needs. It’s focusing on practical layouts and good amenities.

Homeowners’ Focus on Sustainable Energy Use

Homeowners are now more focused on using sustainable energy. This shift is a big trend in the real estate world. By choosing energy-efficient homes, they show they care about the planet. This also makes their homes more appealing, especially to millennials and those who care about the environment.

Government Incentives for Energy-Efficient Homes

Government incentives are key in encouraging homeowners to make their homes more energy-efficient. These incentives include tax credits and rebates for things like solar panels and energy-saving appliances. They help lower utility bills and increase home values.

Studies show that homes with eco-friendly features like solar panels and energy-efficient appliances sell for more. In fact, 32% of real estate agents use special fields in their listings to highlight these features. This shows how important sustainability is becoming in the market1415.

Advantages of Sustainable Building Materials

Using green building materials is good for the planet and makes homes look and last longer. Materials like reclaimed wood and recycled glass countertops are stylish and durable. They also help reduce environmental harm.

Solar panels are another big plus. They provide clean energy and are getting cheaper and more accessible. A big 74% of real estate agents say they have homes with solar panels, showing a shift towards energy-efficient living1415.

sustainable energy in homes

FeatureBenefitsMarket Impact
Energy-Efficient AppliancesReduce energy consumption, lower utility billsIncreased property value and appeal
Solar PanelsProvide renewable energy, decreased reliance on fossil fuelsPositive impact on perceived property value
Eco-Friendly MaterialsStylish, durable, and lower environmental impactCritical for environmentally conscious buyers
Water Conservation SystemsReduce water usage, lower water billsBuilds attractiveness of properties among buyers

The demand for energy-efficient homes and green building materials is changing the real estate world. Homeowners want homes that match their values. These choices save money and help make the world a greener place.

“The market is increasingly recognizing the value of properties that prioritize sustainability and energy efficiency.”


Real Estate Demand in the Sun Belt Region

The Sun Belt region is booming with real estate demand. It’s attracting many people looking for better living conditions. In the last decade, this area saw 80% of the national population growth, adding about 12 million new residents16.

By 2040, the Sun Belt will be home to about 55% of the U.S. population. This is due to its favorable climates and economic opportunities16. Cities like Dallas, Atlanta, and Tampa are especially popular. They offer affordable living and lower taxes, attracting families and retirees.

Domestic migration is driving this growth. Nearly 5 million people moved to the Sun Belt from the Northeast and Midwest in the past decade16. The Sun Belt’s job market is strong, growing 20% compared to 9% in other areas16. It also hosts many Fortune 500 companies, boosting its economy and attracting homebuyers.

The demand for homes is clear, especially in suburbs and exurbs. These areas have seen better rent growth compared to other places17. Millennials, who will make up 75% of the workforce by 2030, are already moving to the Sun Belt. This increases the demand for diverse housing options16.

Over half of the purpose-built senior housing is being developed in the Sun Belt. This shows a sustained interest in the region’s residential offerings. It highlights the Sun Belt’s role in the changing American real estate landscape17.

MetricSun Belt RegionNon-Sun Belt Region
Population Growth (2010-2019)80% of U.S. growth20% of U.S. growth
Projected Population (by 2040)55% of U.S. populationN/A
Employment Growth (last decade)20%9%
Current Millennial Population52% in Sun BeltN/A
Purpose-Built Senior HousingOver 50%N/A

Technological Advancements in House Hunting

Today, technology is key in the real estate market, changing how we find homes. Digital tools help us search online more easily. In 2020, 97% of home buyers used the internet to find their homes18. This change is because people want to find homes quickly and easily.

Digital Tools Revolutionizing Property Searches

Many digital tools are now crucial for buying homes. Buyers usually look for about eight weeks and see nine homes, with five online only18. Also, 54% of buyers need to see virtual images before considering a property19. Apps now offer real-time updates, affordability checks, and agent chats, making searching easier20.

Increasing Use of Virtual Tours and Drone Videos

Virtual tours have made home viewing better. During the pandemic, requests for video tours jumped by 494%18. Listings with virtual tours got 87% more views, showing their value19. AI helps by suggesting homes based on location and amenities, making searches more personal20.

Home buyers using the internet97% in 2020
Homes viewed online only5 of 9 median homes
Requests for video home tours increase494% peak of pandemic
Listings with virtual tours87% more views
Buyers preferring homes with virtual images54%

Shifts from Urban Cities to Suburbs

The trend of suburban living has grown fast, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people want more space, leading them to suburbs for a better life. This move is due to remote work and a need for family-friendly places with good schools and parks.

Millennials, the largest U.S. workforce group, have been the smallest homeowners. They face affordability and housing issues in cities21. The pandemic pushed people to suburbs, creating “Zoom towns” for remote work21. Access to amenities drives demand, changing the real estate market.

The U.S. lacks 7.3 million affordable rental homes for low-income people21. Millennials and families have different housing wants, making suburban homes more sought after22. This shift changes our real estate market, as buyers seek suburban lifestyles.

Single-Family Housing Demand Creates Supply Shortages

The housing market is facing a big challenge. There’s a huge demand for single-family homes, leading to a shortage. From 2012 to 2023, the U.S. saw 1.67 million new households each year. This adds up to 17.2 million households in total23.

But, during the same time, only 14.7 million housing units were started. This includes about 9.98 million single-family homes23. This shows how hard it is to keep up with the demand for new homes.

single-family homes

There’s a big shortage of homes, with over 7 million homes needed since 2012. In March 2024, new home construction fell by 4.3% compared to the year before24. The housing market had a 3.2-month supply in March 2024, which favors sellers24.

It’s hard to keep up with demand, with single-family homes needing to triple to fill the gap. In 2023, only 947,200 single-family homes were started, down 5.8% from 202223. The construction scene is tough, with only one housing permit for every two new jobs in 174 metro areas24.

This situation has made the housing market very tight. It needs faster new home construction and new ways to meet the demand for single-family homes.

Multi-Generational Living on the Rise

More families are living together in today’s homes. This change is due to family and economic reasons. By March 2021, 59.7 million people in the U.S. lived with family members, up from 58.4 million in 201925.

This trend has grown over 50 years. The number of multigenerational households has quadrupled in the U.S26.

Younger people often live with their parents because of high housing costs. About 2.8% of homes listed in early 2024 had extra living spaces26. These homes cost nearly 25% more than average, showing their appeal26.

Builders are now designing homes for families of all ages. Cruz Companies in Boston is building homes for multigenerational families25. Architects focus on making homes adaptable for everyone, adding value to living spaces25.

Custom suites for families are becoming more common. They cost between $25,000 and $75,000 to add26.

Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are gaining interest. They offer flexible living options for families. These can be basement apartments or additions with private entrances25.

Real estate professionals and local governments must work together. They need to create homes that are accessible and affordable for all25.

Continued High Mortgage Rates and Their Implications

High mortgage rates are a big problem for people wanting to buy homes. Rates are around 7%, making it hard for both new and experienced buyers. The average 30-year mortgage rate has dropped to just over 6%, down from nearly 8% in late 202327.

This shows a big drop from 8.01% in October 202328. Even with this small drop, homes are still hard to afford. Home sales fell in August 2024, showing how rates affect buying decisions27.

mortgage rates impact on housing affordability

Current Market Analysis of Interest Rates

Mortgage rate changes will likely lower buyer activity. In August 2024, new home sales dropped by 4.7% from July27. Yet, they were up 9.8% from the same month last year27.

The median monthly mortgage payment is now $2,534 in September 2024. This is a 2.7% drop from last year, but still a challenge27. With high borrowing costs, some might choose home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) to save money28.

Mortgage Rate (%)Monthly Payment ($) for $320,000 LoanDifference from Previous Rate ($)

As the market deals with these high rates, buyers need to think about their long-term plans. Home prices have bounced back after a decline in 2022 and early 2023. The outlook is hopeful, but depends a lot on mortgage rates27. It’s key for anyone in the real estate market to understand this relationship.

Decline of Rental Property Markets in Urban Areas

The rental market in cities is changing a lot. More people want to live in suburbs or find cheaper places to rent. This change is making landlords and investors rethink their plans in city real estate.

About one-third of U.S. households rent, with most renters being young adults29. The rental market is getting more competitive, with prices going up in many cities. Rents are now 33.6% higher than before the pandemic30. This makes finding affordable rentals in cities hard for many.

The rental market in cities is also changing because of who lives there. Landlords are starting to offer different types of rentals to meet new needs. This could change what we think of as urban investments.

Urban areas are changing, and real estate investors need to pay attention. The move to suburban renting might help us understand the rental market better. It shows how real estate investments are adapting to new trends.

It’s important for those in real estate to keep up with these changes. Rental properties are being closely watched as the market shifts. This helps predict what renters will want in the future, both in cities and suburbs.

The rental landscape in urban areas has become increasingly competitive, necessitating a shift in strategies among investors.

As I explore this changing world, it’s clear that being flexible is key. Adapting to these shifts will help determine success in real estate31.

The demand for luxury real estate is clear, especially for spec homes. Affluent buyers look for modern solutions. They want homes that are both luxurious and functional.

Popularity of Modern Features in New Builds

High-income buyers love homes with open floor plans, energy efficiency, and great access to fun areas. For example, homes over $5 million saw a 13.2 percent price increase. But, in places like Miami Beach, prices dropped by 13.7 percent32.

Now, 41 percent of luxury homes come with smart tech, like home automation and energy-saving features. This shows a big shift towards modern and green living33.

Young buyers, making up 41% of the market, influence these trends. They want homes that are easy to maintain but still offer luxury. Also, 66% of these young homeowners say owning a home makes them less stressed. This highlights the importance of finding the right luxury home34.

As investment properties change, those with wellness features are becoming more popular. This includes spa-quality bathrooms and meditation spaces.

luxury real estate

Increasing Importance of Amenities in Multifamily Housing

In today’s competitive multifamily housing market, amenities are key to attracting renters. Many renters look for properties based on the amenities they offer. Over 44 million American households value safety and convenience above all else when choosing a place to live35.

Modern amenities are a major factor in lease signings and renewals36. The rise in pet ownership has also changed what renters want. Now, dog parks, pet washing stations, and attendant services are in high demand36.

Smart amenities like smart locks and thermostats are also popular. They offer convenience and better security36. Outdoor spaces, like outdoor kitchens and rooftop decks, are now a must-have for many renters36.

Unique amenities, such as package delivery systems and coworking spaces, boost resident satisfaction36. With more time spent at home, timely maintenance is more important than ever. Property management must improve their service efficiency to meet these needs35.

To sum up, the connection between multifamily housing amenities and renter preferences is growing. It’s crucial for property owners to keep up with these trends.

Amenity TypeImportance RankPercentage of Residents Preferring
Smart Home Features175%
Safety Amenities (e.g., Smart Locks)270%
Pet Amenities365%
Outdoor Spaces460%
Co-working Spaces555%

The Role of AI in Real Estate Investments

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the game in real estate investments. It makes property evaluation better and changes how we invest. This is a big deal in the industry.

How AI is Changing Property Evaluation and Investment

AI could add $110 billion to $180 billion in value to real estate37. Companies using AI have seen a 10% boost in net operating income37. This shows AI helps by making operations more efficient.

AI uses the four Cs of generative AI to solve real estate problems37. It can summarize lease documents, show properties to tenants, and help make investment choices37.

The 2023 JLL Global Real Estate Technology Survey found AI and generative AI are key for the future38. Yet, many don’t fully understand these technologies38.

AI uses complex algorithms to learn and recognize patterns38. Generative AI creates new content, offering creative solutions in real estate38.

AI in real estate enhancing property evaluation

AI brings new ways for businesses to make money, like virtual product visualization37. Looking ahead, AI and real estate trends will lead to better investment strategies.


Looking at the real estate trends for 2024, it’s key to stay ahead. Buyer preferences, a push for sustainability, and demographic shifts will shape the market. Knowing these trends helps me adapt and find good investment opportunities.

It’s also important to include diverse voices in real estate. Currently, only a small percentage of developers are Black or Hispanic. This means there’s a lot of potential for growth and jobs. By addressing these issues, we could create billions in revenue and thousands of jobs, helping the economy and solving the housing shortage39.

In summary, staying informed about these trends prepares me for the challenges and opportunities in 2024. By seeking knowledge, using skilled professionals, and promoting diversity, I can thrive in the changing real estate market.


What are the current mortgage rates affecting the housing market?

Mortgage rates are around 7% now. This affects how much homes cost and how affordable they are.

How are homeowners responding to high mortgage rates?

Homeowners are choosing to stay put. They’re making their homes better and adjusting to new ways of living.

What features are popular among homebuyers today?

Buyers want homes that are green, have office spaces, and great outdoor areas. This is because of the pandemic’s impact.

What type of housing solutions are being developed for the aging population?

There’s a need for homes that are safe and easy to get around. They also need community areas for older adults.

Why are smaller single-family homes gaining popularity?

Smaller homes are appealing because they’re cheaper and easier to take care of. This lets buyers save money and help the planet.

How is the demand for larger apartments changing?

Apartments are getting bigger. People want more space for working from home and family needs. This shows what renters want now.

What role does sustainability play in today’s housing market?

Sustainability is key for homeowners. They want homes that save energy and are good for the planet.

Which regions are currently experiencing a surge in real estate demand?

The Sun Belt, like Dallas and Atlanta, is booming. It’s because of lower taxes, nice weather, and affordable living.

How is technology changing the house hunting experience?

Tech like virtual tours and 3D views is changing house hunting. It makes finding a home more exciting and efficient.

What factors are driving the migration from urban areas to suburbs?

People are moving to suburbs for more space and lower costs. They want a mix of city life and peace.

What challenges are arising from increased demand for single-family homes?

There’s a big shortage of single-family homes. This is over 7 million homes since 2012. It’s a big problem for buyers.

How is multi-generational living impacting housing choices?

More families are living together. This means they need homes that fit different ages and family types.

What are the implications of continued high mortgage rates for buyers?

High rates make homes harder to afford. This might stop some buyers from looking for homes, making the market tough.

How is the urban rental market changing?

The rental market in cities is falling. People are looking for cheaper places to live. This is making landlords change their plans.

What is driving the demand for luxury spec homes?

Luxury homes are still in demand, especially in good locations. High-income buyers want modern homes that are easy to maintain.

Why are amenities becoming more important in multifamily housing?

As more people compete for apartments, amenities are key. Renters want places with community spaces and work areas.

What impact is AI having on real estate investments?

AI is changing how we look at property and invest. It helps make better decisions, makes things easier, and finds new opportunities.

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